There are many great desserts out there and I'm sure everyone has their favorites, mine is hands down Mochi Ice Cream. These little ice cream ball wrapped with Japanese rice cake offer a sweet melty center with a slightly chewy outer skin. The combination is simply delightful. However as I'm sure most people who has brought these have realized just how expensive they can be (I think in Philly they are about $4-$5 for 6 pieces). In one sitting I can eat about 3 which is more than I would like to spent on desserts in a month! So instead of giving up these treats I simply decided to make my own.
The base of my Mochi Ice cream was adapted from Japaneseicecream blogspot which despite the units being in metrics was easy to convert on my kitchen scale.
Sweet rice powder 50g (about 1/4 cup)
Sugar 100g (about 1/2 cup)
Water 100ml
Ice cream 150-200g
Cornstarch as needed to prevent sticking
Spread cornstarch onto a cutting board to coat.
Put the sweet rice powder into a bowl, glass is best, add the water little at a time until it is mixed well. ( i didn't have to use all the water) Then add the sugar and mix it well again.

Next, cover the bowl with plastic food wrap (leave a breather gap) and cook in the microwave - medium for 2 minutes. Mix with a wooden spoon (dip it in water) and cook for around one more minute.
You can tell the dough is ready when it turns shiny and smooth.

Dip your spoon in water then roll out the sweet rice dough on a cutting board as flat as possible or about 1/4 inch thick. Remember the dough is hot so

take care and use corn starch so it does not stick to the board or rolling pin.
Leave to cool a little and when the dough is cool enough, cut it into rounds , use a bowl for the size.
Freeze the dough, cover each layer of mochi sheet with plastic wrap and dusted with cornstarch then put it into the freezer.

Put the ice cream onto the centre of the mochi sheet. For a nice round mochi use an ice cream scoop. Wet the edge with a little water to fold together.

Fold and join the edges and then back in the freezer until it’s eating time!

Mine were slightly smaller than those found in the stores so the mini Mochi fit perfectly into a mini cupcake pan to be frozen.

Theses bite size treats were delicious and now I never have to buy the again. Another beauty of this process... The flavor of the ice cream can be alter to what ever flavor your heart desires.
A few tips:
- This does take a little work so it maybe optimal to increase the ingredients to make multiple batches at a time.
- I personally found the Mochi a little sweet so next time I will decrease the sugar slightly, however this is really based upon how sweet your ice cream is itself.
- Make sure the ice cream is frozen hard because once scooped out onto the Mochi skin it will melt fast so work fast.
- the Mochi skin will not dry out in the freeze if wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a air tight container so the skin can be made in advance a day or two
- Cut the molds big so you can fill it with more ice cream, and they are also easier to wrap. Most cookie cutters are too small for this task.
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